Friday, November 2, 2007


I found this to be very frustrating b/c none of the free sites I visited would play so I had to go to the itune site and it took a long time to download. i did not find anything pertaining to book reviews or library news.

This technology I feel can be a useful tool for students in school and out b/c they can see more of the world and live pixes of what they are studying/interested in. This shows them there is a whole world out there beyond their backyard.I am sure this can be useful to libraries as well b/c they can incorporate these images into wonderful programs, pictures kids can use for homework, or displays to make the library more interesting. The site I downloaded was Geophoto which shows the earth in 3d. I saved it to my desktop

From what I did see from the descriptions on the free sites they have good educational sites like that help with math.

you tube

I really liked the Yahoo video site. It can be helpful in the children's dept to view and see what other people have to say about movies before renting/showing them to children. This gives us more options than Swank. We will showing Ratatouille this month so here is a preview. What do you think?

I found it easy to navigate through this site.

I just love this video rabbit vs snake.It shows the not so strong can overcome the strong sometimes. Keep your head up. Go rabbit. This site can show educational things as well like shark water. This site and others like it can display all the activities the library does so kids can think of the library as a fun place to be. Maybe one day we can put on a puppet show and put it on you tube.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Zoho pt2

I love it! As I was exploring Zoho writer I found out that under Switch To, you can go from spreadsheet to notebook to numerous other choices. My fave is the planner b/c it has a to do list selection which I will be using from here on in. This will really help me stay on target.
This entire site is wonderful it is definitely a keeper for me. It is very easy to go from different selections on the switch to category so hey what else can I say.

Monday, October 22, 2007


I found this quest very interesting. Once again I learned something new that I can use use not only for work but for personal use as well. I will explore this quest even more to become more knowledgeable with it. Zoho could make it easier for our younger patrons who do not have money for a disk when composing a report.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Wiki Wiki

When I heard wiki I thought of wikipedia. But now my eyes have been opened to the many ways wiki can be used. I rarely used wikipedia b/c of the fact that anyone could change the information just b/c. But after viewing Library Success, and I saw how they now require you use your email and confirm it to try to keep out vandals it is a little reassuring. This could be helpful for libraries around the world share ideas about what worked or did not work with them.

Using wiki's as a site to review books is also a good idea, Book lovers. This could give viewers their next top 10 book.

wiki's could help with ideas for programs within the library, books for book clubs and so much more.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Different social networks

I found the Bebo network very interesting. I never heard of it until now. I will have to tell my husband b/c of the facts that we can listen and view music/videos. I listened to the new Kanye West song. I would more than likely visit this site again.

I liked the fact that friendster has a post where you could report offensive profiles. It is reassuring to the public that someone can not just post anything and nothing can be done about. This is just another site dating site to me.I probably wouldn't make it a priority to visit this one again.

I call this the professional network. I like the fact that it allow those of whom do not have an acct to get just a brief history of its members.This is a good way to get your resume out there ad also to see what these companies are looking.

I was impressed by the fact that you get a page by page viewing of what your own page would look like. The tour was very helpful.

The myspace site is good for meeting people. I did visit the tech trek page and see that it has 8 sponsored links.
All of the sites seemed easy to navigate through.

Social networks

While I was reviewing some of the blogs I found 3 that were very interesting.

I found the list of social networking to be very helpful b/c if someone doesn't know all of the different social networking sites this is a good place to start. This site saves time for anyone while they are looking for a site.I found 2 that I may visit more often in the future.

The social networking review site is helpful for parents to know what kind of site their child(ren) are on. This site is comforting for parents but they shouldn't let their guards down b/c anything can happen.

The safety tips for tweens and teens should be visited by all parents with their child(ren) before the kids are allowed to use the computer by themselves. The tips should be printed out and placed close to the computer as a reminder to those kids who could be tempted to give out personal info. The added websites towards the end of the article is very helpful as well.